Many successful people attribute their effectiveness, health and wellbeing to a thoughtful morning routine. Indeed, there is a wealth of scientific evidence to suggest that the implementation of structure and ritual can have a remarkable effect on productivity and mood. Setting you up to rock out the opportunities and roll with the punches. Here’s four good reasons to incorporate a routine into your morning:


Starting your day in the same way each day, with a routine that you have personally tailored to suit yourself, is the perfect foundation for a happy, productive day. Additionally, a study undertaken by biologist Christoph Radler found that mornings are when people are most likely to be both proactive and productive. People who confront their to-do list early in the day are happier doing so, as well as more effective.

Flower and Balance


Although we don’t yet know all the reasons why – and night owls may naturally disagree – rising earlier and being organised in the mornings has a significant effect on wellbeing. A study by the American Psychological Association showed that the creation of and adherence to a morning routine improved life satisfaction while reducing self-reported levels of stress, anxiety and depression.



Even if you don’t incorporate running or yoga into your morning routine, just having a bit of quiet, ordered early morning time can be great news for your physical health. Firstly, the reduced stress means that you are at a lower risk of heart attacks and strokes. Second, you’re likely to eat fewer calories: Northwestern University research   found that late sleepers ate more – particularly at and after dinner. In addition, late sleepers were found to eat more fast food and fewer fruit and veg.


It can be difficult to find time for yourself in a world that seems to want you 24/7. The morning, especially early morning, is perfect for spending some quality time with yourself. Focus your thoughts, take it easy, find your bearings and enjoy a bit of inner peace.

Creating an effective morning routine is the action of creating time and, ideally, building in some time for yourself. Tell us about your morning routine – or why you really need one – in the comments.

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